This has really been QUITE the summer, friends. Some would say "boring", others would say a "growing experience". I think that others were right. Now, I would like to think that I'm a woman of simple theology, so please look much further for a stuffy, doctrine-filled blog post, because I'm all about just sitting at the feet of Jesus and learning his simple and wonderful truths.
Like so many others, I'm constantly looking toward the future. I'm always thinking about what Jesus is going to do next in my life, or what I need to buy next month, or what is going to happen in 3 years. And when I focus on these things, I'm missing out on pretty much everything that's going on right now. I'm taking for granted everything that I've been blessed with. One of the best things about our time on earth is this- God is the creator, and all of the earth bends to his will. I need not worry about today, tomorrow, or any other distant future.
When I'm always looking toward the future, it's impossible for me to recognize the blessings of today. I am so very incredibly blessed, I couldn't even begin to realize how the Father has provided for me. For example:
-I have some of the most fantastic friends on the face of the planet. Their faithfulness to the Lord is humbling and their constant encouragement blesses me beyond belief. I can't imagine my life without the amazing and beautiful people that the Lord has placed in my life. Somehow these amazing people want me in their lives, and they constantly pour so much wisdom into me and give grace like Jesus. Holler.
-I am financially cared for in such an incredible way. I have never known starvation and I have never wondered where my next meal will come from. This is probably one of the must humbling realizations, because so many millions of people will go to bed hungry tonight. It's so easy to take clean water and an abundance of food for granted, and I'm doing myself such a disservice by feeling a sense of entitlement to all of these things.
-Education. Oh man, as a total nerd I could go on about my gratefulness for education all day and night. I have the ability to read and write, and I am blessed enough to actually attend a college to receive a degree. How often do we, as college students, take our education for granted? The next time I'm complaining about a test or waiting until the last possible moment to write a mediocre-grade paper, I think a reality check is in order. There are so so many millions of people around the world that would do pretty much anything to be where I am.
How could I so easily forget these truths while worrying about tomorrow? I'm grateful for the cross most of all. Endless praises for His grace.
Peace out, cub scouts.
I was somehow following you under 3 accounts. This blogging business is confusing.