As you may have noticed, I have recently changed the name of my blog to "Covered in the Dust of My Rabbi". I have this very vivid memory from my high school Christian club, one that has changed me forever. During a particular meeting, we were discussing the Jewish Rabbis in the time of Christ. Ribbis usually had disciples that would follow them around everywhere they went, hoping to learn everything they could. After following their teacher around all day, they would be covered in everything their rabbi had stepped in. There was a saying in this time that was something like, "May you be covered in the dust of your rabbi".
What a beautiful picture of our lives in Christ. It is my hope for you, for me, for us, to be so incredibly enthralled in Jesus Christ that we cling to him as close as humanly possible. What would it look like if we followed him so closely that we were covered in the dust of our rabbi? How simple, how humble and how absolutely beautiful is that picture of faith? Because we don't serve a clean and pretty Jesus, but a Son of God who is not afraid to get his hands dirty. We are so foolish to become distracted by petty things, we have lost sight of the Son of God himself. I've lost sight of him.
So my hope for this year is to follow Christ with so much enthusiasm, I don't even have any idea what's going on outside of Christ. Because when my entire being is focused on him, everything is so clear. I see the hurt, and the pain, and the Christ in every situation. I feel love for his people, and I have a never ending joy for the eternal.
As I prepare my heart to spend my summer in Africa, I pray constantly for God to show me what he sees. I want to see everything through his eyes because if I don't, I'm going to miss something. I'm going to miss an opportunity to share the gospel, or to show his love to someone hurting. I lack wisdom in so many places, but I'm smart enough to know that I couldn't do something like this on my own, and I don't want to.
This is my goal for this year, while I'm here and when I'm gone- to be a disciple that is covered in the dust of my rabbi.
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