Welp, Folks, it's that time again- time to ponder the comings and goings of life via the blog post. Most everyone is galavanting the far corners of the continent whilst I am here, dutifully holding down the fort in Manhappenin (which is currently not so happenin'). After spending the majority of the week friendless (unless you count the innumerable teenage girls that shop at Aero, which I most definitely do not. Yet.), I have come to several realizations, most of which....all of which.... are about me.
Realization #1- I need a dog. Some would categorize that in the "want" category, but they would indeed be wrong, because I just plain NEED a dog. Why you ask? Well, for starters just think about the possibilities for funtivities. Secondly, there are the obvious safety features included in the large breed package, which is a bonus (adding to the "need" vs. "want" internal argument). Third, let's just ponder cuteness for a second. We all need a dose of cuteness in our lives

.....how can you say that's a "want" and not a "need"?!
I'll move on.
Realization #2- it is impossible for me to finish a project, namely a craft project. Examples?
1. My Christmas tree skirt, which I actually put under my tree less than 1/4 finished. Some day...
2. Area rug. That stupid 5x8 rug is not even 1/8 of the way done and I worked on it for over 100 hours this summer. Yes, I counted the hours. I'm really pulling for team "I'll finish that one when I'm pregnant one day/a stay at home mom/ a housewife/ unemployed substitute teacher/retired".
3. Knitted blanket. I started this bad boy in high school and gave up about 2 weeks in. That one is a total goner, may it rest in peace.
I have forbidden myself to start another project until I at least attempt to work on one of those (or one of the many other projects I've started and can't even find).
Realization #3- I own more clothes than anybody I've ever met. Okay, so I've probably known this for awhile, but I've finally come to accept the harsh reality that I own an insane amount of clothes. I can confidently say that after 8 weeks of not doing laundry, my walk in closet was still full of clothes....... And when I say "confidently", I mean "embarrassingly".... I blame three years of retail.
Realization #4- I'm almost 20 years old, and I still don't know how to swim. I had actually forgotten about that little fact until this week, and have once again begun the quest to conquer the h20. Know any lifeguards?
I could go on, but I have a bed full of laundry begging to be put away, and by "put away" I mean they're begging to be slept next to for the next 5 nights. The joys of a queen sized bed. Peace out cub scouts.